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Course Description

You will learn to tell a short audiovisual story through exercises. Your story will include video, sound and music. Bring your laptop. Group classes of 10 people maximum.

This course is ideal for beginners in audiovisual storytelling. It also benefits intermediate level students who want to practice their skills and learn in a group. Students will be able to create their own audiovisual works independently. They will learn about basic story development, pre-production, production, post-production, and delivery of a short video. The course also covers the use of basic audiovisual technology. The teacher will provide learning materials such as video tutorials and PDFs.

What are you going to learn?

  • To tell your audiovisual story

  • Record video and sound

  • Make a simple movie script

  • Collaborate with others in the creative process

  • Basic Cinematography: Light, shots and camera

  • Basic notions of color

  • Introduction to different audiovisual aesthetics: set, wardrobe...

  • Basic sound design

  • Edit video on computer

  • Share your project with the world


  • You will need your computer with editing software installed, ideally Davinci Resolve but others are fine too

  • Mobile to record video is enough but if you have a camera that can record video better

  • You do not need previous experience

Forms of payment

  • Bizum

  • Bank transfer to L Priace Michavila with IBAN: ES46 1465 0100 96 1753405004 and reference: video.

  • Cash during class

Course Contents

  • Introduction to the course
  • Examples and references to create your video
  • Exercise to practice recording and basic editing
  • Introduction to audiovisual narrative
  • We make the script with a beat sheet
  • Screenwriting exercise
  • Audiovisual aesthetics, light, shots and use of camera
  • We discuss your video ideas
  • Exercise to practice filming
  • We adjust the script and pre-production
  • We practice filming
  • Filming your video
  • Edit of your video
  • We see your first version of the video
  • Color and sound
  • We see your second video version
  • Feedback session for your video
  • Reflextions about the future

Learn new creative skills




What are students saying about us?

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  • Jeremias
    Filmmaking Student

    Lu is extremely nice and generous and manages to make this course a very good first experience of experimentation and exploration of audiovisual possibilities

  • Eva
    Filmmaking Student

    Engaged teacher, interesting new things that I didn't know from before.

  • Naomi
    Filmmaking Student

    I gained confidence to continue making short-films and learning more about this beautiful art.

  • Julia
    Filmmaking Student

    The exercises helped me to further understand how I can express my feelings and views through video and sound


Bizum: +34 611013428

Bank transfer to L Priace Michavila with IBAN: ES46 1465 0100 96 1753405004 and reference: video.

Cash during class